About Us

We exists since 2010. GlobalEx is a non-bank financial institution: Exchange offices, Tax Free Refund, International Money Transfer. We have a long time experience and a huge number of satisfied customers.

If you are shopping abroad you have the right to refund the VAT contained in the purchased products. The easiest way to do this is through the global system of Premier/PLANET Tax Free Worldwide and TAX FREE BULGARIA, whose exclusive agent for Macedonia is us. When leaving the country you have visited, submit the TAX FREE check to the customs officer, along with the passport, so that you will receive a customs stamp and the voucher will become valid. Except in EU countries, you can do this in UK, Switzerland, Norway, Singapore ... If you are shopping in an EU country, the customs stamp should be from any EU member state, ie. from the last EU country you visited. With this completed check (voucher) you are welcome in our locations where you will refund your money.

*You may feel completely safe working with our company because the procedures and rules provided for in the Personal Data Protection Act are respected, as well as the regulations provided for by the National Bank, as our most immediate supervisory authority.

Exchange offices, Tax Free Refund, International Money Transfer


Australian Flag AustraliaAUD 36.20


Danish Flag Denmark DKK 550.00
Europe EURO EUR 61.35
Flag of Japan Japan  JPY


Flag of Canada Canada CAD



Flag of Norway Norway NOK


Flag of Switzerland Switzerland CHF 63.50


Flag of Sweden Sweden SEK 400.00


Flag of United Kingdom UK GBP 71.30
US Flag United States USD 55.50

                     Commission 0%



Locations where you can find us!
These exchange offices are located in Macedonia
where the pictures have been taken from.

  • Vasil Glavinov 3/1/1 lok. 9/1, Skopje

    Click here for more directions

  • Dame Gruev 5, Skopje

    Click here for directions

  • Kej 13 Noemvri, GTC - Prizemje, Skopje

    Click here for more directions

  • Vasil Glavinov 3/1/1 lok. 9/1, Skopje

    Click here for more directions

  • Dame Gruev 5, Skopje

    Click here for directions

  • Kej 13 Noemvri, GTC - Prizemje, Skopje

    Click here for more directions

  • Bul. Marshal Tito, GTC Global, Strumica

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